Monday, September 8, 2014

Turmeric and lemon face mask recipe

Turmeric and lemon face mask recipe Lime & Lemon For firming & whitening facial
For facial skin tightening & jg improve skin tone, then the thing to do is to mix with Lime or Lemon juice with egg white. Use a mixture of Lime & Lemon with the egg white as a facial mask. Apply this mask to the face, then let it air dry. After 5-10 minutes, wash your face with cold water. The results will be seen after about a week of regular use.

4 How to make a mask of Lemon For Skin Care face in order to look bright at all times.

     Prepare 1 teaspoon honey or add some lemon juice Lime approximately 1: 1 and a little olive oil (olive oil).
     Clean your face and then apply a mixture of Lime / Lemon, honey and olive oil then let stand about 20 minutes smpai. Jgn try to move their face / facial muscles.
     If the 20 minute mask to dry before apply again the rest of the mixture to the face.
     After 20 minutes wash the face with lukewarm water using the special sponse mmbersihkan washcloth or facial from BWH way up and rinse until clean benar2.
     And do not forget to always end it with facial wash using cold water For close pores.